Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hi, nice to meet you - I'm Casey

Hi! Since I currently have nothing on the topic of books to blog about, I guess I should introduce myself. I don’t know the protocol for blogs, and I don’t do protocols anyway. So I’m the co- (author? Blogger? Writer?) inventor of this blog. Actually my friend came up with it. I’m just along for the ride.
So I’m Casey. I’m sixteen, junior in high school, etc. I love good books: as long as it’s good, I’ll read anything. Right now, I’m into books that don’t mention any type of supernatural characters, books that have insight into what life is actually like, John Green, and any characters that share my name. Even if they’re mostly guys.
When I’m not trying to pass my courses, playing hockey or rugby, or volunteering, I’m reading. During breakfast, on the bus, walking my dog, between classes at my locker, and God forbid, even that during that really important lecture about SATs I probably should have been listening to even if I’m not American. Oops. Oh yeah, my social life is great, thanks for asking.
When I’m not doing any of the above and have given up on my social life, I enjoy putting unhealthy amounts of sugar into my caffeine, going to Starbucks to use my various secret identities (I have a different name for each one around the city that I keep organized with a list) and watching Friends, the best TV show ever made.
So, what I said above about liking good books may have been taken the wrong way. I do not dislike supernatural characters.
In fact, I was one of the original readers of Twilight (yes, before those “Bite me, Edward!” t-shirts and even before the freaking movie) and I enjoyed it until my twelve year old self started to realize how ridiculous sparkling vampires were. I bought a t-shirt myself. Real men don’t sparkle – real men defeat dark wizards! Anyway. Yeah. I was twelve, okay? As soon as it started getting popular, I moved on. To other vampire books. I’m sorry. And I can’t seem to let it go. Some of the stuff out there is actually good. And you know what I said about good books. Even if you have to waste your precious reading time thumbing through the pages of trashy, substance-less, cheesy and laughable young adult romance novels to find one. You know what they say. Books reflect people. Actually, I made that up right now, but now that I think about it, the stupid books I’m always looking through in the teen fiction section do reflect most of the people I meet.
So I’m not going to apologize for liking Vampire Academy and the Infernal Devices, because guess what: I also adore James Patterson and his endless barrage of legal thrillers. And, of course, The Catcher in the Rye.
Essentially, I like books more than I like people.
That’s why I need to escape from my life.

Love, Casey


  1. I credit a lot of my great reading adventures to you dear friend! Lookin' forward to a few heated debates about books in the near future! ;)

  2. And I, you! There's no question they're the highlight of my day (:
