Monday, September 2, 2013

First-Day-of-School Books

So, I do realize that I missed last week's post. I'm sorry. I seem to have found the life I misplaced. Don't worry, though, because once school starts, I'll get right back to the weekly posts. I also realize that it is late to be posting a First-Day-of-School book list because tomorrow is the first day of school, unless you are French or Mik or both, which I hope is not the case. But, I figure it's better late than never. To do what, you ask? Read these books? Yeah, not only that, but these are books that'll make you think about who you are. And don't people always try to change stuff up or present their best self on the first day of school? Well, if you're thinking about new beginnings or even a new you, here are 3 books you should read for (well, now after) the first day of school.
#3 Golden by Jessi Kirby
Poetry lovers, unite! Okay, so I'm not a poetry lover, because I find that like so many other things, there is just too much terrible poetry. Also I'm often too lazy to delve for a deeper meaning. This book was different, using Robert Frost and Mary Oliver to inspire you and get you to think about what you plan to do with your one wild and precious lifeThe story starts when Parker Frost finds the English assignment of a girl who died ten years ago. I loved Kat's wild character (who reminded me of my own best friend Kat, shoutout), Julianna's musings about life and Parker's romance with Trevor.  

#2 John Green
Okay I had to put him here because a) I couldn't rank his books and b) because he's freaking awesome. I'm starting to sound like Colin in An Abundance of Katherines, but I'm actually serious. John Green has a unique, funny voice that makes any and every story great. His storylines and characters are quirky but relatable and you won't forget them anytime soon. Paper Towns tells the story of Q, whose dynamic but mysterious crush Margo Roth Spiegelman runs away and leaves clues for Q to chase after. An Abundance of Katherines follows the road trip of amateur anagramist Colin Singleton, whose one goal in life is to progress from child prodigy to genius. Oh yeah, and he only dates Katherines. In Looking for Alaska, famous-last-words-expert Miles Halter goes out to find the great perhaps, stumbles upon the prank-planning Colonel, Asian rapper Takumi, and the undescribable Alaska and so, gets catapulted into his Great Perhaps. The Fault in our Stars is all of life's emotions embedded in the love story of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a terminal cancer patient, and the charismatic Augustus Waters. Also, there's one other book by John Green called Will Grayson, Will Grayson but I sadly can't review it for you because I haven't read it yet (only learned about its existence this summer, and don't get me started on the library wait times...), however, I can assure you based on his four other books that you'll love it.
#1 Audrey Wait by Robin Benway
Have you ever thought about what would happen if you dumped your pot-head, narcissist boyfriend, and the first good song his band ever wrote was about you? And the song was actually a hit, on the radio? Think no further: Audrey Cuttler's life becomes a roller coaster nightmare after Evan's band gets their big break through a song called Audrey, Wait! Laugh at the wit, love the characters (especially Victoria), start listening to good music, and become your own interesting person after reading this book!

So, I apologize for the long & personal reviews, but I really loved these books. (Note that there aren't any series, because with school starting there's not time to get into ten-series books... I'm crying as I type this.) Hopefully this post was short enough for you to get over two weeks ago's really long post. I have one last recommendation to make: Vampire Academy really changed my life - I read it when I was twelve, looked up to Rose's character and decided I wanted to be able to stand up for myself and others instead of being a spectator. Also, don't forget the romances, the cliff-hangers, and the delicious fictional boys you're sure to love. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy these books, as always let me know what you think. I'd like to wish you all a very happy First Day of School, unless you're Mik, to which I'd like to wish a very happy Regular Day of School. Or maybe I won't wish it because she doesn't like Dimitri. This never gets old. Well, I know I won't be having fun tomorrow, but I hope you'll make the best of it and I hope these books will make the transition easier.
Love, Casey!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just nominated you for the Liebster Awards since you are one of my favourite bloggers! You can see the post here:!

    Jenny xx
